5 easy kid’s book storage tips for kid’s rooms.

Let’s face it, books are an essential part of any kid’s room, but can also be a real problem to keep tidy.
Basic shelves are great for older kids, who are able to read a book spine, but are not always the best option if your little ones are prompted by a front cover illustration when looking for their favourite bedtime read.
So it’s a good idea to plan book storage to suit the needs of your little ones as they grow, to keep chaos at bay.
Use shelving ideas that allow for books to be displayed face-fronting cuts down on frustrating lengthy searches for toddlers, and helps prevent an entire book collection being regularly discarded over a nursery floor.
Older kids may need a variety of storage solutions as their book collection grows and more traditional displays could be more appropriate.
Here’s just a few tried and tested tips to assist…
Take time to clear out old, unused or unwanted books. If they’re beyond donating I like to keep any illustrations I can to use as kid’s room artwork.
Consider a toddler’s reach when deciding where to display their books. Shelves at low level make it easier for them to get to.
Plan for more storage than you think you’ll need.
Not all books look great on display, consider out-of-sight storage options, under a bed or in a cupboard perhaps.
Take inspiration from the likes of Instagram and Pinterest…oh, the possibilities..!

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